Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Word in Due Season

And a word spoken in due season, how good is it!
Proverbs 15:23

The other day I had a simple experience that brought the above text to mind. A friend had written a word of appreciation to me. It came out of the blue, so to speak, and I couldn’t get it out of my mind. It felt so good to receive that appreciation!

When someone takes the time to connect with us in a way that could easily be taken for granted, it is important not to let it pass that easily. Not only is a good word pleasant to hear, it can also move us to lift our own appreciation of self. Left to our own devices it is sometimes easy to forget that others look up to us in some way or are grateful that we are in their lives. When we accept their simple gift of a word spoken in due season, what a blessing it can be!

Never underestimate the power of a word of praise or appreciation, or an act of simple thoughtfulness. I know I was lifted up by the thoughtfulness of the person whose words I received. When you are moved to send a thoughtful word to someone, it may be because it is a due season in their life at that time. Your word may bring new hope or self-acceptance, or deep joy at a time it is really needed. Even if you never know how the word was received, trust that you have been led to give the blessing and that it has been received.

As we near Thanksgiving use the occasion to let your family, your friends and your associates know that you care about them. Share a simple act of kindness by complimenting some quality they are expressing, or thank them for something they have done that easily could have gone unnoticed. When you see something worthy of praise, give it. Conscious caring for and loving one another has been limited in many cases these days due to our busy schedules, and the clamor of lesser things for our attention. There is nothing more important to our mutual health and well being than a word spoken in due season. It is a simple act with deeply satisfying potential.


Elaine said...

hi Dan, thank you for this post. it's a very good reminder for me to speak out to those whom I appreciated. especially express that through Thanksgiving greeting.

Inspector Clouseau said...

It's always been my position that an honest, unsolicited compliment is worth far, far, more than one profferred out of a sense of obligation / duty, or upon request. When one adheres to such a practice, people around you will (over time) recognize the true sincerity of your compliments.

Nice discussion about the unexpected....