Thursday, September 17, 2009

Inspiration For Change

I came across this quote in an email a friend sent me. It seemed familiar but I am not sure where I may have seen it before. The author was not identified.

"Those who matter don't judge me .... those who judge me don't matter."

As I often do, I searched Google for authorship. This quote was on almost everyone’s list of favorites, but no one seemed able to identify the source.

What I found interesting was how many web sites and blogs there are out there that are dedicated to sharing quotes that have made people feel better about their lives and their world. I am going to share a few for those of you who are interested.

The Old Guy Rules:

Quotes to Inspire:

Inspiring Quotes:

Inspiration for Change:

These are but a few so if you don’t find something you like here, just Google: Inspiring Quotes.

Have an enjoyable search, and better yet, find the words that motivate you to bring about the changes in your life that your heart desires.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Thanks for sharing. I did find some valued information.