Monday, January 21, 2008

Three Rules for Communication

As we begin another New Year you may want to consider the following thoughts as a basis for improved self-awareness and self worth particularly as it relates to your communications with others. There are three rules one must follow when attempting to communicate with another.

1) Keep your mouth shut.
2) Keep your mouth shut.
3) And finally the most important: Don’t say anything!

Of course it is obvious that this is no way to communicate. However, haven’t you felt that way at times? Haven’t you been made to feel that nothing you have said or could say could possibly be right, so you decide to just shut up! When it seems that our efforts to talk with others is confronted constantly with being told your facts are wrong, or that you are exaggerating the situation, or that you are just simply out of touch, we may begin to feel inadequate or inferior to others. You may also be tempted to tell yourself, “Don’t open your mouth!” “Don’t say a word!” “Don’t get involved in this conversation!” You become so afraid of being told you are wrong that it is just safer to say nothing.

If you have felt this way, or if you do right now, it is time to take a stand on behalf of yourself, to regain a sense of confidence in your intelligence. We all get the facts wrong sometimes. That does not make us a “wrong” person or a bad person. Sometimes it may be important to refrain from interacting with others temporarily. It isn’t always our place to speak out. Again, that does not make us “bad” persons.

Remember the old saw: Put your mind in gear before you put your mouth in motion? Here are three steps you can take to restore your positive sense of self.
First, open your mind. There is infinite wisdom available to you. Affirm that you are open and receptive to Divine Wisdom at all times. Second, select your gear. Arrange your thoughts in order and refresh them against your memory. Third, speak confidently. As you let the wisdom within find its way into your words you will regain your confidence and sense of authority.

Finally, remember also that communication is a two-way street. Both sides of the conversation have something to share and something to receive. Be open to the gift you are giving and to the gift you are receiving. Remember too, the old (Danish) proverb “speech is silver, but silence is golden.” We often learn more by listening than by talking.

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