Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Between Darkness And Light

The magnificent hand of the Master now gently withdraws, and before your very eyes you are watching the disappearance of night and the silent transformation of the awakening day. A sparkling layer of morning dew now gently blankets the grass, the flower petals and leaves and glistens silently on the cars and the car windows.
These glistening droplets are displaying the magnificent sunlight playing upon the infinite amount of tiny iridescent crystal balls. Slowly, you walk through the dew-covered grass, feeling that rarefied gift of the night air that will soon evaporate in the full light of the sun. Inhaling slowly and consciously it is almost as if you are drinking in the magical elixir formed in the boundary between darkness and light.
Did you know that it is said that the morning dew is believed to be tears from heaven, and yet in another story we are told that the droplets are poured from the vessel of the goddess of dawn. When you see the earth draped with these shimmering drops, it is easy to imagine the tiny fairies bathing in the water, or a sky god weeping from a longing to be closer to his beloved earth goddess. Seeing the sparkling beauty of the earth emerging from the quiet darkness, you may better understand this longing in terms of your own gratitude; how blessed you are to be alive.
Perhaps heaven really does long to be recognized here on earth, and perhaps that is why you are here right now. . Be the conduit between the divine and the earthbound. Drink in the sweet morning dew with your eyes, your skin, your breath and imagine that it is really a magical potion, a gift from heaven, a reminder of your true purpose, and your daily opportunity to be transformed.
Filling all of the tiny crystal balls with love, watch as they now drift off into the unknown, filled with your love to reach out and bless the world all around you. You and God and the early morning dew have now kissed your entire planet, sharing your love, sharing your longing to feel the presence of oneness, of peace and serenity.
There is now no longer a space between the darkness and light, no duality, no separation. Breathing in gently this feeling be here now and accept this blessed gift of your true oneness with all creation. You never were and you never are separate. You are never alone. Your magnificence sparkles brighter than the glistening crystal balls that have filled your vision, freshened your skin with the kiss of the sweet dew drops and are now the twinkle alive in your eyes. You are now, as you always were created to be, perfect, whole and free . . .and so it is.

This article by Nomi Sweetfire is based on an idea first presented in “Daily Om,” a daily meditation web site. We have referenced the site under our “Links” in the left column.

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