Sunday, January 22, 2017

Time For Change

In my 80+ years on this planet and as a citizen of the United States of America, sadly, I have done very little in terms of social/political action, other than support emotionally those causes with which I identified.


It has taken the utter shock of the election of a racist, misogynistic, degenerate liar to bring me to a point where I can no longer simply sympathize with those who are on the front lines actively seeking social/political justice.  I am committing myself to doing something from here on until sanity and integrity and social justice are fully embodied in the government as a whole and the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court in particular.

It is an absolute disgrace that we have now in the highest office of our country, as the supposed leader of the free world, such an ignorant, arrogant, careless and self-absorbed individual as Donald Trump.  The world has taken notice.  It will not suffer the misjudgments and critical actions of this despot seeking self-aggrandizement at the expense of literally every single citizen of this country.

We have seen in the Women’s Marches around the world, and particularly in Washington, DC, that we will not stand for the agenda this miscreant is attempting to foist upon us all.  Now, as never before, we are all called upon to STAND UP, SPEAK OUT, and ACT POSITIVELY to correct the outrageous error in judgment demonstrated by the election, without a majority of the popular vote, of Donald Trump.

To begin with, I plan to engage in follow up activity generated by the Women’s Marches.  I know I will have compatriots in this venture.  I invite each of you who have taken the time to read this far to find an activity that you can commit yourself to supporting.  Do it financially.  Do it emotionally.  Do it in person.  JUST DO SOMETHING!

We can no longer sit on our hands waiting for SOMEONE ELSE to make things right.  We cannot trust our representatives in any level of government to automatically act on our behalf.  They ALL have too much commitment to the moneychangers who support their candidacy for office.  As a registered member of the Independent Party of Oregon, I expect to do what I can to discover, encourage and support individuals for a variety of offices—from school boards to the State House—who genuinely have my interests at heart.

Who are YOU waiting for to take action on YOUR behalf?  Find your own cause and take your own actions.  That is the only way the change YOU WANT can ever come closer to manifest reality.


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